Message from Centre leader

Dr. Casim Umba Tolo (Director, PHARMBIOTRAC)
Dr. Casim Umba Tolo (Director, PHARMBIOTRAC)

Centre Director’s foreword
This is a very important time for your personal growth, skills and career development. In addition to the enthusiasm of your research studies, you are encouraged to make the most of the training, learning and networking opportunities available in our Centre and University with its regional and global connections. Postgraduate research students are highly valued in PHARMBIOTRAC as the essence of our basic and applied research, training, commercialisation and community outreach.

Postgraduate Research in Pharm-Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine, which I am proud to lead, is here, to enable and support postgraduate research students in addition to the close relationship and support you have with your supervisors. If there is anything that I/my Team can help with or improve, please let us know through the Postgraduate student representatives in each cohort or directly to the PHARMBIOTRAC team.